






An Extraordinary Strategy for Your Family

This year at our theme for our entire year is strategy. It is my prayer that everything that we do emanates from a place of deliberate purpose and diligent thoughtfulness. If our families are going to thrive, we must be remarkably...

Don’t Worry. Trust Jesus.

Jesus had a lot to say about worry.He came to an unstable and unpredictable world. He lived in an agricultural society where one summer’s drought could wipe out crops for the winter. He hung out with fishermen, who might fish all night long and catch...

A Handful of Ways To Read Your Bible (And Enjoy It.)

In our local church ( over the last several weeks we talked about the Bible and its life-changing content. We explored some ways you can engage Scripture in a living, vibrant, revealing way, as opposed to something instructional or...
EXPOSURE “Becoming a Multi-Cultural Church”

EXPOSURE “Becoming a Multi-Cultural Church”

It was 1984 and my parents decided that they would rent an RV and explore America with their kids. Tough to fathom with today’s prices of gasoline, huh? I was along for the ride and had very little control of where we went. Honestly, at that age, I was consumed with...

Events That WIN!

Events That WIN!

Planning an event can be very overwhelming. The timeline, the details, the cost, marketing strategies, location… this is just the beginning. Often times the stress of making the event happen can lead you to a place in which you ask yourself, “What am I even doing?” I,...

Do This First . . . At the beginning of every Monday!

Do This First . . . At the beginning of every Monday!

We are all creatures of habit. Habits help us through our days and tend to be those things that do not require an extraordinary amount of mental or physical energy because of the degree of familiarity. We have hundreds of habits! Many of which, we are totally unaware....

A Powerful Four Letter Word

A Powerful Four Letter Word

Risk! All of us are innately enamored and captured over the notion of abandoning all for the sake of a particular cause. The allure of conquering the unknown or fulfilling a dream is so intoxicating, that subsequent feelings of soaring ensue because we all want to...

Why Churches Should Hire 20 Somethings

Why Churches Should Hire 20 Somethings

I wholeheartedly believe that young adults are the engine of the church. A young adult generation will never have more disposable time and income than they do in this current season of their lives. They’re not lacking in physical energy either! Yes, these tenets and...

Communicating With A Guest Speaker

Communicating With A Guest Speaker

Whenever I have had a guest speaker for our local church or a conference, I have always endeavored to remove any obstacles that would hinder their complete and total focus on the reason why I have hired them. Having been on both ends of this equation, here are some of...

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