I have an insatiable appetite for reading books. Leadership, theology, history (in particular the Civil War, Civil Rights movement, and African-American history), a bit of fast-paced fiction, and all things related to Abraham Lincoln. Fortunately, our children have embraced our love for reading. This past academic school year, our 5th-grader read almost 25,000 pages.

No matter the season of life you are in, whether you are in your teens, exploring the unsettling next steps of your 20’s, or simply a passionate lifelong learner; reading is for you!

There are a number of reasons why I encourage you to read and read often. To quickly highlight a few:

  1. You’re exposed to other paradigms, thought processes, ideas, etc.
  2. It stretches you
  3. It sharpens you
  4. It expands your understanding and utilization of your vocabulary
  5. It facilitates creativity

I’d like to share with you a number of books that have had a big effect on my life as a leader, parent, spouse, friend, and last, but certainly not least a Christian.

Here are 40 books I recommend you add to your library, in no particular order.

These are not the only books you should read. There are hundreds of others that are great. But these are just simply 40 of my favorites.

So here you go. And please share this list with your friends, team, and other leaders who might benefit.


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